Third week into the blended learning classroom and I felt pretty good with how things were going. Still a little messy. Still some bellyflops. But overall I was happy with the progression.
Then, specials happened. This cut my class time down from 70 minutes to 50 minutes. Just when there was a flow starting to occur, I was forced to try to figure out the best approach to run the stations with a shortened class. I knew the day we would have specials would mean shortened class times. So it was not a surprise to me, but somehow that day just snuck up.
What I discovered in trying to figure out the best approach for that day, turned out to be the best approach for every day. I ended up simplifying the stations and rotations, which made for a much more efficient class and positive comments from my students. I took that simplified approach into the rest of the week, and things really started to take off like I had been envisioning since last year. All I had to do was just keep things simple. Don't get too caught up in everything. Just focus on the learning and everything else will fall into place. (Fortunately my Director of Technology is a pretty patient guy.)
So as the fourth week is about to begin, I feel pretty good with where things are going...for real this time. I just have to keep in mind the old acronym my dad told me about years ago as I was trying to figure school out as a student, "K.I.S.S." Worked for me then, why not now?
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